軀如雪兮, How like snow is the torso!
尾如墨兮。 How like ink is the tail!
雙目如炬, Like torches are the eyes -
勢雄傑兮。 How virile an air [it] has!
主家鼠輩, The gang of mice in Master’s house,
羣喞喞兮。 How squeaky squeaky in crowds!
匪特夜逰, Not just patrolling at night,
閙白日兮。 Also shrilling in daytime.
汝獨何為, What dost thou indeed
弗搏擊兮。 If not seize [them] and strike!
華飾以戲, In sumptuous adornment and jesting,
空竊食兮。 [Thou] save stealing food dost nothing!
空竊食兮, [Thou] save stealing food dost nothing -
曽不思其職兮! How thinkest [thou] not of thy office!
* From He Qin (1437-1510), Yilüji 醫閭集, Yingyin Wenyuange Siku Quanshu 景印文淵閣四庫全書(Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1986) edition, vol. 1254, 9.11b.

Album leaf by Yang Dazhang 楊大章 (fl. 18th century), after Diao Guangyin 刁光胤 (d. 935)
Image credit: National Palace Museum, Taipei
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