The more one reads poetry the more plants and animal references arise. My lack of familiarity with these terms leads to a distorted image of the poem. And so, I wonder if there exists a source which specializes in collecting said terms and which provides photos and relevant information about them.
Many Thanks
These terms are tricky indeed.
For plants, there are Dictionnaire Ricci des plantes de Chine and 中国植物志, in addition to commentaries, various 類書, and medical texts. 中国植物志 is available in its full-text database, but its website doesn't seem to work at the moment: It's perhaps also worth noting that it's compiled by botanists, not philologists, and should be used carefully in the reading of pre-modern texts.
For animals, I'm not aware of particularly good references. The identification (if possible at all) and translation are usually a combination of textual analysis, digging into the commentaries (which are plenty and often quite messy) and medical texts, research with zoological databases, etc. No shortcut yet...