Twining tendrils, trailing vines
Sit in the wild with no one caring.
[I] just found [their] leafy hut half in blossom,
And soon a wealth of green and yellow.
In such a year of costly grains and hungry men,
Each village peels off elm bark, leaving nothing.
[These pumpkins] will make a good meal for a farmer,
And a reason to smile for his wife and children.
*From Zhu Yizhun, Pushuting ji 曝書亭集, Wenyuange Siku Quanshu 文淵閣四庫全書 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1987) edition, vol. 1318, 28.24b-25a: https://ctext.org/library.pl?if=en&file=50485&page=149.
Album leaf by Han You 韓祐 (fl. 12th century)
Image credit: National Palace Museum, Taipei
Winter gift from a friend's garden
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